Monday, January 27, 2014

Hola de exito (por fin)! [Success at last!]

Todo està bien aquì en Jorge Chavez!

This week ended pretty tough, although it started out really well. We have 4 on date now, but only one is progressing. We activated 2 less actives, and this week we`ll activate 3 more and baptize Bryan!

Other than that, we`re progressing. Now, apart from the mass of less actives in Sacrament Meeting, we`re getting investigators to come. We have to work even more dillegently with the Ventura Family so they make getting to church a priority. The kids are on date for the 15th, but we need to put our shoulders to the wheel.

Bryan is progressing pedal to the metal for his baptism. We`re going to meet with him today to teach the commandments again, and set up his interview. His baptism will be at 5pm, if anyone would like to attend.

Tomorrow we are going to the Temple! I`m finally going to see the new video that changes lives! We`re so excited! It`s been so long! We have to leave here at 5:30 am....just like the MTC!

I`ll send pictures next week of our two activated less actives! Actually, next week we should have 3 more to send pictures of! 

Sè que Dios no da oportunidades de poder aprovechar del poder del principio-de borrón y cuenta nueva. Es mucho mas fácil mantener un hoja bon blanco, que guardar genuino una hoja pintada. 

Dios nos manda a llevar registros por varios razones, incluso para inspiraros, motivarnos, apoyarnos, hacernos recordar y acercarnos a el. A veces puede ofrecer una ventana al pasado y ayudarnos a analizar nuestro progreso. 

Cuando sacrificamos se nos dan bendiciones, pero por sacrificios eficaces se nos dan lo que necesitamos. Es esencial planificar para poder seguir y/o depender en el espíritu. Para ser obedientes debemos planificar hacerlo. 

La fuerza de un barrio es en los conversos Recientes. Pero no necesariamente los recién bautizados, sino los que han experimentado un cambio de corazón recientemente. La fe que viene de un cambio de corazón es un supernova de espíritu. 

Como seres imperfectos solo tenemos que ser humildes lo suficiente para que Dios nos puede utilizar perfectamente. Al siempre recordar el sacrificio expiatorio de Cristo, siempre tendremos su espíritu. El tomar de la santa cena requiere un corazón quebrantado y un espíritu contrito.

[I know God gives us opportunities to be able to take advantage of the principle of a clean slate.  It is much easier to keep a piece of paper white than to make one that was already painted white again. 

God commands us to keep a record for various reasons, including to inspire us, to motivate, and support us, to help us remember and come closer to Him.  Sometimes it can offer a window to the past, helping us to analyze our progress.  

When we make sacrifices , He gives us blessings, yet through effective sacrifices, He gives us what we need to get through.  It is essential to make a plan so that you can move forward and/or depend on the Spirit.  To be obedient, we should plan to be so.

The strength of a ward is in the recent converts.  Not necessarily those who have recently been baptized, rather those who have experienced a recent change of heart.  Faith that comes through a change of heart is a Spiritual supernova.  

As imperfect beings, we need to be humble enough that God can use us perfectly.  As we always remember the atoning sacrifice of Christ, we will always have His spirit.  Partaking of the sacrament requires a broken heart and contrite spirit.]

Thanks for your motivation!

Love, Elder Hicken

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