Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hola del dia 112

To start off, I have a list going of my favorite words! They're my favorites for different reasons, but see if you can figure out why.

  • escudriñar = to study, analize, and disect
  • profunda = deep, as in a pit or hole
  • tener que vs. necesito que = have to vs. need to
  • recordar = to remember
You need to watch the Gordon B. Hinkley documentary

I saw a little bit of it and it looks like the coolest thing on the planet. Yeah, that´s going to be the first movie I see when I come home in 2 years  (Click here to see a longer clip.). Superman and Ironman 3 will have to wait.

Random cool fact about Lima: the stoplights all have timers, like the ones that crosswalks usually have, to let the drivers know how much time they have until the light turns red. Cool.

I´m still waiting on that info from another elder about sending leters to the US.

Imagine that you are scuba diving in a reef, with all sorts of colorful fish and whatnot. Now imagine that same colorful reef is in Chatfield reservoir, with water as thick as mud. Yeah, that´s kind of how it feels to be a greenie missionary in a foreign mission. I know that there is a reef, and it's beautiful because I see it sometimes, but the water is hazy and so I don't get the full effect. But I'm looking for miracles, and trying to record them in my journal. 

Speaking of miracles, the biggest one that I have come to realize so far (yes, even bigger than the gift of tounges, which I am most clearly blessed with day by day, thank goodness) is the miracle that anything actually gets done administrarily in the work of the Lord here. People don't think the same as we do and 'administration' is a foreign concept. But somehow, the Lord makes it happen anyway. They have no idea that this isn't normally how administration works, but people just do things because "I had a feeling I should" and then it ends up saving the day. Crazy.

Before next Sacrament Meeting, look up the painting by Simon Dewy of Christ breaking the bread of the sacrament (I think it is in the Gospel Principles Maual) and take five minutes to study it really well. 

If you can, print it out. And then during the sacrament next week, spend the peaceful time you have thinking about what Christ might have been thinking in that moment as he broke the bread, his own body, and poured the wine, his own blood, and distributed it among his disciples. Don't forget to bring your journal so you can record those thoughts and sacred feelings that the spirit brings to your mind in that holy moment.

Speaking of journals, I have yet to miss a day. (That means I have 112 entries so far). But I have decided to start some ¨small plates¨, following the example of Nephi, who began writing (before he was the prophet) the words which the Lord spoke to him, and the words of the prophets which inspired him, as well as his experiences learning through faith.

Ok! Time always flies by! And these internet café places are super loud and crazy, and most definitely don´t invite the spirit, but anyways the work is great! I only wish I could work harder!

Solo quiero compartir un pensamiento que yo tenía durante nuestro conferencia de estaca esta domingo pasado. Estábamos cantando Loor al Profeta, y un pensamiento vine a mi menta mas fuerte que todos, que lo que estoy compartiendo y predicando cada día es verdadero. Yo sé con nunca faltado, con cada fiebre de mi cuerpo y no puedo dudar, porque de esto soy hecho. Éste es el Evangelio verdadero, y no hay ningún otro manera, camino, o salvación. La felicidad que yo sienta, crece cada día, y mis experiencias están ayudándome en cada momento. Estoy extremamente agradecido por los dones de conocimiento que el Espíritu me brinda, y espero con todo mi corazón que estén sintiendo un deseo nuevo para estudiar, escudriñar, y orar con mas esfuerza con frecuencia y regularidad. No hay ningún otra manera.

Les amo. Gracias por todo, hoy, ayer, y siempre.

I only want to share a thought that I had during our Stake Conference this last Sunday.  We were singing “Praise To The Man” and a thought came to my mind forcefully, that what I am sharing and preaching each day is true.  I know without fail, with every fiber of my body and I cannot doubt, because of this I am made.  This is the true gospel, and there is no other way, path or salvation.  The happiness that I feel grows each day, and my experiences are helping me in each moment.  I am extremely grateful for the gifts of knowledge that the Spirit gives me, and I hope with all my heart that you are feeling a new desire to study, search, and pray with more effort often and regularly.  There is no other way.

I love you.  Thanks for everything today, yesterday and always.

Con Amor, Élder Hicken

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