Todo está bien aqui en Precursores!
It´s been a wonderful change here, and I´m excited to subject myself to the will of the Lord in this next change. Whether it´s with E´Castro or not, I know that I, as well as barrio precursores and this sector are in the hands of the Good Shepherd.
We have a goal of 8 baptisms this week! We are super excited as zone leaders, and we are going to communicate that excitement to the zone this wednesday in our Zone Meeting. We have planned to immitate the Mission Council meeting to effectively communicate ´la vista´. We plan to also teach about how la obra de salvación es una obra de amor, and how important it is to help less actives with the commitments!
We´ve made a few plans with our stake representative over missionarywork and we are excited to work more closely with much more communication these coming months. Dad, do you have any tips or suggestions in regards to working with the stake?
Sé me asombro el deseo de uno que nunca havia sido rechazado por su religión por compartir su testimonio con so amigo. Sé qu la fe ey el conocimiento espiritual tajaban en contra del temor. Sé que un testimonio de un hijo de Dios que haya experimentado un principio del evangelio recibe poder del espíritu santo que hacve que las cosas grandes y maravillosas en si sean simples hasta un niño lo puede entender. Se que por la expiación nosotros como herramientas o instrumentos impoerfectos dios se nos use perfectamente.
[What amazes me is how people who haven't been rejected for their religion have such a desire to share their testimony with their friends. I know that faith and spiritual knowledge work against fear. I know that a testimony of a child of God who has experimented upon a gospel principle receives strength from the Holy Ghost, through whom great and marvelous things are made simple that even a child can understand. I know that through the atonement we are like imperfect tools and instruments that God uses perfectly.]
Por la oracion (2N32.9), el perdon, y el arrepentimiento podemos aprender perfectamente de nuestras imperfecciones. Sé que el autocontrol que ganamos por el ayuno nos ayuda acercarnos al reino de Dios. Së que Dios contesta las oraciones dichas y desdichas en los momento de cambio. Los siervos de Dios lleven su poder al salr de su ´propia tierra´. Sé que dios nos trata segun nuestros deseos y intenciones. Si tenemos puros deseos tendremos puros exitos. Por la expiacion podemos refinar dichos deseos y llegar a ser mas espiritual. Sé que el señor requiera un corazon cambiado y espiritu contrito porque es imposible perseverar hasta el fin sin los dos.
[Through prayer (2Nephi 32:9), forgiveness, and repentance, we can come to a perfect knowledge of our imperfections. I know that the self control that we gain by fasting helps us to come closer to the kingdom of God. I know that God answers spoken and unspoken prayers in times of change. The servants of God carry his power upon leaving his "own land." I know that God tries us according to our desires and intentions. If we have pure desires we will have complete success. Through the atonement, we can refine these desires and become more spiritual. I know that the Lord requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit, because it is impossible to endure to the end without both.]
Sé que Dios es un Dios de preparación perfecto, pero ya que no nos preperamos perfectamente, el tiene un plan de misericordia que nos permite recibir según nuestros deseos y no segun nuestras imperfecciones. Sé que es esencial formar una roca de un testimonio para edificar un fuerte servicio missional. Sé que nada hay que puede reemplacer las bendiciones de firmes cimientos de nada nos sierve ser condenados por conocimiento de los misterios si nos falta aplicar los principios. Sé que al ser obediente por razones equicocados, perdemos bendiciones. Al ser manso y humilde como el salvador, podemos recibir un gozo real al servir con todo nuestro corazon alma mente y fuerza.
[I know that God is a God of perfect preparation, but since we can't prepare ourselves perfectly, He has a plan of mercy that permits us to receive according to our desires and not according to our imperfections. I know that it is essential to form a rock of a testimony in order to build strong missionary service. I know that there is nothing that can replace the blessings of having a firm foundation. Knowing the mysteries doesn't do us any good if we fail to apply the principles. I know that when we are obedient for the wrong reasons, we lose blessings. When we are meek and humble like the Savior, we can receive a fullness of joy upon serving with all our heart, might, mind, and strength.]
Sé que al dejar a un lado cualquier norma, reponsabilidad o caristeristica de nuestro oficio, perdemos una parte correspondiente de nuestro apartamiento. Sé que la obra del señor tiene su propia forma debida. Sus palabras no son las nuestras y sus pensamiento tampoco, sino nuestra doctrina es su doctrina, nuestras palabras son sus palabras, nuestras acciones son sus acciones, y nuestras voces son su voz. Sé que no es solo es importante escuchar por el voz del espiritu y seguirlo sino tambien serlo y esforzar producir las mismos frutos.
[I know that shirk whatever norm, responsibility, or characteristic of our duty, we lose a corresponding part of our... I know that the work of the Lord has its own proper form. His words are not ours and neither His thoughts, rather our doctrine is His doctrine, our words His words, our actions His actions, and our voice His voice. I know that not only is it important to listen for the voice of the Spirit and follow it, but also to live it and try to bring forth the same fruits.]
Se que la seperacion del pecado o apartamiento del mundo facilita el progreso espiritual mientras estemos en este apartamiento cada cosa mundial nos roba de dicho facilitimiento. Sé que la oracion y es espiritu de oracion son esenciales para el apredizaje particularmente la aprendizaje espiritual. Sé que para perseverar hasta el fin, debemos mirar adelante hacia Crist, asegurando cada dia que malana seremos feiles. Sé que no somos perfectos y que por la expiacion podemos recibir un perdon por nuestros errores pero me encanta saber que gracia a la expiacion podemos perdonar perfectamente a los que nos ofendan. Sé que el don del espiritu santo es un gran privilegio y un tierno misericordia del senor al esforzar siempre tenerlo, seremos guiado a la perfecion.
[I know that the separation from sin or setting ourselves apart from the world facilitates spiritual progress. When we are in this calling, every wordly thing robs us of this help. I know that prayer and the spirit of prayer are essential to learning, particularly spiritual learning. I know that to endure to the end, we must look forward to Christ, making sure every day that we are remaining faithful. I know that we are not perfect and that only through the atonement we will receive forgiveness for our mistakes, but I love knowing that because of the grace that comes because of the atonement we can perfectly forgive those that offend us. I know the gift of the Holy Ghost is a great privilege and a tender mercy of the Lord to always strive to have with us, guiding us to perfection.]
Sé y agradezco el papel del espiritu santo en hacernos comprender nuestros testimonios y poder aplicarnoslas y ayudar a los demas comprender. Sé que el nuevo y sempiterno
convenio que es el evangelio es infinito y no cambia. Es seguro y recto en un
sentido verídico y eterno., Amo a mi dios pr tenerlo y a mi salvado por poder seguirlo. Y al Espíritu santo por lo pequena parte que tengo esperanza de comprender. Se que cuando submitimos nuestro voluntad al sepr aumentael poder de nuestra autoridad, aun cuando nuestros deseos y sus sesuos sean lo mismo.Se que Dios es con ciente de nuestros esfuerzoz y de vez en cuando nos regala un milagro. Podemos verlo para descansar sin quearnos Peisagado o como un boos para salir adelante.
[I know and am grateful for the role of the Holy Ghost in helping us understand our testimonies, apply them, and help others to understand them. I
know that the new and everlasting covenant that is the gospel is infinite and
doesn’t change. It is sure and straight in a true and eternal sense. I love God for having Him and I love my Savior that I can follow Him. And the Holy Ghost for even the smallest part that I can hope to understand. I know that when we submit our will to the Lord's, He increases our own authority, even when our desires and His are the same. I know that God is aware of our efforts and every now and then offers us a miracle. ...]
Lo siento, es escrito muy rapido y tiene muchos errores, pero es la verdad!
[I'm sorry, I wrote this very fast and it has lots of mistakes, but it's all true!]